

Discover Nature’s Genius: Where the Great Barrier Reef and tropical rainforest meet

You may have heard the we’re headed to Australia in September for an immersion workshop, another five-day experience that helps participants discover nature’s genius while learning in the field.

This workshop will take place in a particularly amazing spot: At the intersection of the Great Barrier Reef and the oldest living tropical rainforest.

What kind of nature’s genius inspiration can be found there? We’ve compiled a small set of the amazing examples below. We’ll share more too in the coming weeks. In fact, the local experts we’ve recruited to help run the workshop are gearing up to share their Top 10 must-see organisms. Stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, take a look at these Inspiration from Australia cards for a glimpse of what participants will learn during the workshop: 

It’s among these organisms that participants will begin honing and developing the skills to tap into nature’s genius while inspiring new innovations.

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