

Climate Take Back: Attitudes, a plan of action, and nature’s genius

Shifting mindsets to help fight climate change


We’ve written before about Interface, Inc.’s bold and important initiative, Climate Take Back, that is aiming to create a fundamental shift in how the world responds to climate change–and the company’s plan of action to create a climate fit for life.

We know it’s possible if we look to nature and work together. For one, nature sees carbon as a building block, meaning it can help us not only stop climate change, but reverse it. Our Factory as a Forest work with Interface is using biomimicry to ensure carbon output from manufacturing is a thing of the past.

As the work to implement effective and scalable climate change solutions continues, Interface has released just what the world needs: A survey showing that 95% of climate leaders and 91% of young business leaders believe it’s possible to take back our climate. Difficult, but possible, if we can shift the mindsets to the positives of what is means to fight climate change.

Read the full survey report:

We believe it too

In fact, the top reason climate experts believe it is possible is because “we have everything we need.” Thanks to planet Earth! Our co-founder Janine Benyus is fond of reminding everyone that 99% of all species are smaller than bees, and they’re here for us. “Look to nature for advice,” she says, “and we’ll be blown away by the possibilities.”

Watch one way nature can help reverse climate change:

Interface’s plan of action to implement Climate Take Back includes four elements any organization can use: “We commit to running our business in a way that creates a climate fit for life—and we call on others to do the same.” You can join the mission here.

Learn more about how nature can help us reverse climate change here.

Learn more about biomimicry and Biomimicry 3.8 by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter (follow @Biomimicry38) and LinkedIn. Join our email list in the footer of this page for the latest biomimicry news and happenings. 

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