
Resources to (Re)connect

Resources to (Re)connect 

A helpful list of tools and resources to support you during times of crisis and beyond.

High anxiety now pervades our daily life. It seems everything we might touch, be it a ceramic door knob, a stainless steel handle, a glass pitcher, or a plastic keyboard may be harboring the packets of virulent DNA we otherwise call a virus. To ease that anxiety, we’d do well to get outside and connect with nature to soothe our souls and soften our blood pressure. We’ve compiled a list of fun resources to brighten your day and encourage you and your immediate community to reconnect with the natural world around us. Meet a friend at a trailhead or park, (just keep 2 meters apart while together), or virtually connect with friends and loved ones and share what you learned from nature. As social beings, we need those interactions, we just have to be creative about how we find them!

Need fresh air? Try some biomimicry-themed nature journaling
Spending just 15 minutes in nature can decrease your cortisol levels, i.e. the all-too-common stress hormone. That’s why we decided to make the first chapter in our “iSites: Biomimetic Nature Journaling for Biomimicry” available to you for free. These first 5 iSites will encourage you to get outside, activate your senses, and destress.


Get cozy and read the article “Go Outside; Nature’s Antimicrobial!”
Biomimicry Chemist, Mark Dorfman, explains in his article that nature (in her 3.8 billion years of wisdom) has figured out how to make her materials–ranging from leaves, flower petals, and insect wings to horns, beaks, and feathers–inhospitable to microbes.


Kick back and watch a movie narrated by Janine Benyus
Brought to you by Tree Media and our sister organization, the Biomimicry Institute, “The Promise of Biomimicry”, illuminates all that biomimicry can offer the world. Janine Benyus elegantly narrates the film and shares her 20-year vision on what “good” design should be.


Every year we encourage our followers to write a happy birthday message to Life. (February 25 is the day Life appeared on Earth if we compress the age of Earth (4.5 billion years) into one year). We’ve noticed these messages are filled with love and gratitude. And some are so funny and creative that we think they will bring a smile to your face. Feel free to peruse the notes and/or write your own.


Tired of perusing social media. Explore AskNature instead.
Life on earth presents elegant solutions to many of the challenges that designers and innovators face every day. Explore AskNature to find biological strategies, inspired ideas, and resources relative to your own innovation challenges, so you can begin to emulate the time-tested forms, processes, and systems that already thrive in balance with Earth’s complex systems.


If you’re still looking for more fun resources, our sister organization, the Biomimicry Institute, kicked off a 30 Days of Reconnection series on Monday, March 23.

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