

Sharing the innovation inspiration of biomimicry

"We had a rich flavor of discussion about life-friendly chemistry with a perfect mix of people and perspectives. Learning from an Indigenous cultural perspective supported the immersion, along with the applied, industry-focused approach."

Anuj Jain, BIOSEA/Biomimicry Singapore Network

"The chemistry course is not only valuable for those in the life sciences but also extremely practical for those in other disciplines. Whether you are a product designer, engineer, architect, medical professional, or business leader, the key to creating truly sustainable, green solutions is understanding how nature designs at the molecular level to assemble life-friendly substances, materials, and functional units. Mark Dorfman will not only explain fundamental concepts such as shape complementarity, molecular recognition, and selective reactivity but will demonstrate how they form the basis of optimal chemical design and how they can be applied in countless situations.”

Robin Berry, Asst Director of Research & Innovation, The Biomimicry Center, ASU

"Mark Dorfman’s Biomimicry and Chemistry course not only deepened my understanding of chemistry principles but also inspired me to view the natural world through a new lens. Through his instruction, I’m able to more accurately analyze biochemical processes found in nature and actually abstract these into useful design principles. I cannot imagine entering the field of biomimicry without having taken his course.”

Jacob Swette, ASU Masters Student, 2023

"The five roles of chemistry in nature is a crucial lens. I was fascinated to learn about patterns in life friendly chemistry and how to divide/classify any observation into energy, chemical, material management etc. Being able to perceive chemical strategies in Nature as distinct from physics was a good challenge."

Bhadresh Padia, Green ChemisTree Foundation

"Although I knew that I would enjoy the Discover Nature’s Genius for Social Innovation immersion workshop, I had no idea just how transformational it would be. It can be hard to make the time for personal and professional development but I can't stress how beneficial this workshop was. The content is rich and stimulating. I can't recommend the workshop highly enough!"

—Mandy George, Senior Environmental Adviser, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies-Global Shelter Cluster

You'll leave the immersion workshop with a cup overflowing with knowledge, curiosity, and inspiration, encouraged to lead yourself and others through biomimicry!

Rosie Trevino, Biomimicry Thinking Workshop Alumni | Engineer, United States

The BSpec (Biomimicry Specialist Certification) not only taught me the evolved concept of biomimicry, I’ve practiced its application in my sphere. More importantly, it changed the way I look at life; with increased wonder.

Codrin Kruijne, BSpecialist | Lead Data Science Engineer, The Netherlands

The (BSpec) Biomimicry Specialist Certification allowed me another way of looking into nature, a curiosity and understanding of function and strategy. This vision is broadly applicable to everything we do and need. It is another mindset and this new way is really for me the bridge from nature to design.

Alessandra Araujo, BSpecialist | Biologist, Biomimicry Consultant, Brazil

The Biomimicry Specialist Certification has helped to quiet my human cleverness and taught me how to seek solutions I couldn't have imagined before the program.

Julia Chiang, BSpecialist | Secretary General, Taiwan
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