

Introducing Synapse by Biomimicry 3.8: A new service to spark new ideas


We’ve always found profound inspiration from the innovation ah-has our clients find as we guide them through the process of engaging biomimicry—whether it’s when we’re helping an international cosmetics company learn packaging lessons from poppy flowers and beetle wings or sharing Life’s Principles as a way to help growing companies thrive.

It’s those kind of experiences that nourish our company’s work. And it’s in that spirit that we’ve created a new service, Synapse by Biomimicry 3.8.

We’re excited to be introducing this week a preview of Synapse, which is designed to help more people discover the power of biomimicry.

Synapse by Biomimicry 3.8 is a new, membership-based service that delivers syndicated research and advisory services created by the world’s foremost biomimicry thought leaders at, the website we created for the service.

This week we’re debuting the Synapse newsfeed, which is live now at and includes biomimicry news highlights chosen by members of our team at Biomimicry 3.8.

The newsfeed is updated daily and includes commentary by our expert contributors, including Janine Benyus and Dr. Dayna Baumeister. The feed can be categorized by sector and is designed to make sure you won’t miss the latest and best biomimicry news.

We’ll be launching membership sign up for Synapse in October, in advance of a full launch later this year.

Until then, you can sign up for email alerts about the Synapse launch at, as well as explore the newsfeed and find out more about the service.

Syndicated research will include features like sector-specific email news alerts, topical white papers, and ongoing briefings. Advisory services will include resources like inquiry hours with biomimicry experts and recorded lectures.

Unveiling this service is exciting for us because it fulfills a longtime client demand to expand access to our innovation process. It will help biomimicry become a powerful innovation tool for members and their teams.

We really do hope you’ll explore and the newsfeed. You can always let us know what you think here.

Learn more about biomimicry and Biomimicry 3.8 by connecting with us on Facebook,Twitter (follow @Biomimicry38) and LinkedIn.  

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